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Polesden Lacey

Theis and Khan architects were shortlisted entry in an invited competition for a new Garden restaurant within the grounds of Poleden Lacey.

Our plan for the new Garden restaurant is based on a series of connecting pentagons, pentagrams, triangles, circles and semicircular ‘petals’ radiating out from a central core that maximises the external perimeter and therefore views out from the new building.

The geometry is fundamental to the structure, plan, sections and elevations of the building.

The pentagram roof structure supports the roof petals and the external glazed walls although facetted are set on a perfect circle to maximise views. This gives the building an innate sense of order and beauty that is directly related to the natural surroundings it nestles within.

Our concept also references the Boucheron ‘Honeycomb’ tiara as we feel this is a wonderful piece of art and design, concieved and worn by Margaret Greville that is the very essence of her taste and sensibility. The flattened honeycomb geometry of the tiara, itself the embodiment of a jewelled flow- er, compliments the geometry of the new building and links it directly to Mrs Greville’s art legacy.

We proposed to use the pattern on laser-cut timber wall screens as well as floor and wall tiling around the new Garden restaurant building as a unique motif and identity. The honeycomb motif will help to link the design of the new Garden restaurant building back to the main house at PolesdenLacey and subtly to its original partying heyday in the early twentieth century.

proposed perspective view



proposed plan

aerial sketch

aerial sketch

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