Theis + Khan were asked to carry out a feasibilty study for a new exhibition and visitor centre at St Mary's Wanstead. The Georgian church of St Mary's is the only Grade I listed building in the borough of Redbridge and has a unique history being originally part of the Wanstead House estate. The new building would provide educational facilities for visitors and students to the church as well as wheelchair access through the crypt. The story behind St Mary's is an intriguing one that includes the magnificent Palladian mansion Wanstead House that was commissioned by Sir Richard Child in 1715. Unfortunately through a disastrous marriage choice Sir Child's daughter having inherited the estate, lost it through her husband's profligacy and the house was demolished to pay his debts in 1825. The church now remains as part of the adjacent Wanstead Park which is all that is left of the Wanstead House estate.

St Marys

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